Do I need professional hair and makeup for my photoshoot?
Absolutely. A professional hair and makeup artist helps you look your best. It’s a special occasion, pamper yourself a bit!
We’re not about makeup that changes what you look like. You should choose a look that reflects who you are at this time. Do you want to look more glam, or more natural? It’s completely up to you.
The artist will help your skin look the best under flash and natural lighting. They can style your hair so you look like you’ve just been to the salon. Men can benefit from some matte powder and a quick tidy of the hair.
Most of our clients have professional hair and makeup done. We can give you recommendations for mobile hair and makeup artists who can give you professional results in the comfort of your own home.
You just get up in the morning, relax while they take good care of you, then once you’re done you can come straight to us.
All the details are in our preparation pack once you book in.